You may have heard that an increased waist measurement can put you at risk for cardiovascular disease. In fact, it’s one of the conditions that can lead to metabolic syndrome. The good news is you can significantly decrease your risk through lifestyle changes. The Metabolic Fitness Program's team-based approach is focused on helping you reverse your metabolic syndrome through support, education, and comprehensive care.
Our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, dietitians, behavioral health consultant and clinical exercise physiologist will work with you to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and improve your health.
What is Metabolic Syndrome?
Metabolic syndrome is defined as the presence of three or more of the following health conditions:
- Abdominal obesity: waist measurement of 35 inches or more for women or 40 inches or more for men
- Elevated blood pressure (130/85 mmHg)
- Elevated triglycerides >150 mg/dL– a type of fat in your blood
- Fasting glucose >100 mg/dL
- Low HDL “good cholesterol” lower than 40 mg/dL in men and 50 mg/dL in women
Visit our Metabolic Syndrome page to learn more.
About the Metabolic Fitness Program at Michigan Medicine
Our program combines exercise, nutrition, stress management and strategies for behavior change in a supportive group atmosphere to facilitate positive lifestyle changes, which in turn reduces risk. The 24-week program includes weekly meetings via Zoom for lectures, group discussions and exercise allowing you to participate from the comfort of your own home!
Reasons to Join
- Our program combines exercise, nutrition, stress management and strategies for behavior change in a supportive group atmosphere to facilitate positive lifestyle changes
- Participate in the program from the comfort of your home (remote access)
- A team-based approach program focused on helping you reverse your metabolic syndrome through support, education, and comprehensive care.
- Successfully implement lifestyle changes to lower the risk of heart disease through a tried-and-true program
- Everyone is different, and the results vary. However, results from 6 months of the University of Michigan Metabolic Fitness Program have demonstrated that some participants eliminate one or more criteria of the Metabolic Syndrome!
Program Highlights
- 24-week program
- Classes are held Tuesday evenings starting at 5:30 - 7 p.m.
- Each session includes 45 minutes of education and discussion and 45 minutes of exercise led by a Clinical Exercise Physiologist
- Clearance for our program includes an individual meeting with a nurse and a cardiac stress test
- Individual consults with a registered dietician, behavioral health consultant and clinical exercise physiologist
- Progress updates throughout the program including repeat labs, body composition and individual meeting with the nurse
Class Topics
- Grocery Shopping/ How to Read a Food Label
- Eating with Awareness
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Cooking Class:Truth About Carbs
- Eating Well at Home and Away
- Clinical Education Series: NASH/NAFLD
- Using Fats to Your Advantage with the Mediterranean Eating Pattern
- Physiology of Stress
- Diet and Food trends (Paleo, Whole 30, Mediterranean Diet)
- Behavior Change and Stress Management
- Individualized Nutrition Based on Lab Values
- Cooking Class: Simple Mediterranean At Home
- Wellness Vision
- Sugar, Inflammation and Insulin Resistance
- Emotional Eating and Depression
- Strategies to Reduce your risk for HTN
- Technology and Fitness
- Weight Stigma
- Clinical Education Series: Sleep
- Cooking Class: A Taste of the Mediterranean
- Continuing your Success
Positive Outcomes
Throughout the program, a significant number of our patients reduce 1 or more of the criteria for metabolic syndrome or eliminating metabolic syndrome. Throughout the program we focus on turning good choices into good habits. Our team is here to support you in making healthy changes a reality for a lifetime.
See our research publication from June 2016 PDF for more information about program outcomes.
Patient Stories
Barb Breummer
“I can do this,” says Barb Bruemmer of the Michigan Medicine MetFit program. The 65-year-old retiree went from avoiding exercise and healthy meals to fully embracing them. As a result, Bruemmer lowered her blood pressure and sugar levels, lost weight and overcame a long-term knee injury that had kept her inactive for years. Learn more about Barb's journey to better health by watching the video below or reading her story, "Wellness Program Take Patient from Fearful to Physical Fitness Fanatic," on the Michigan Health Blog.
Dale Brewer
Dale Brewer was concerned about weight gain, loss of body strength, high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol numbers. But the biggest motivator to improve his health was keeping up with his granddaughters. The Michigan Medicine MetFit Program proved to be the right solution for the 68-year-old, who lost 40 pounds, improved his cholesterol and lowered the dosage of his blood pressure medication in just six months. Learn more about Dale's journey to better health by watching the video below or reading his story, "Healthier and Stronger: Metabolic Fitness Program Patient Makes Big Change," on the Michigan Health Blog.
Mark Rakowski
Mark Rakowski geared up to hike the Grand Canyon the fall after beginning the Michigan Medicine MetFit program, something he would have never dreamed of before taking steps to improve his health. He’s off his diabetes medication and enjoying his healthier state, saying: “I discovered that the program not only extended my life, but I get more living out of the time I have.” Learn more about Mark's journey to better health by watching the video below or reading his story, "Metabolic Fitness Program Inspires Complete Lifestyle Change," on the Michigan Health Blog.
More Information
Get Started with the U-M Metabolic Fitness Program
- Provider submits Metabolic Fitness Program referral. Download the Consult Request Form.
- Intake Nurse assessment, stress test, dietitian consult, behavioral health consult, and 11-week follow-up appointments are scheduled: 734-998-4991. Nurse assessment and stress test appointments are mandatory; dietitian consult and behavioral health consult is a separate and strongly recommended appointment.
- Patient completes 12-hour fasting blood draw. Nurse assessment cannot take place until labs are in the medical record. Lab Locations and Hours.
- A 1:1 exercise consult with a clinical exercise physiologist is scheduled after the stress test clears patient for the program, but before patient starts the program. An abnormal stress test requires follow-up with referring physician and/or cardiologist; entrance to program will be delayed until cleared by physician. Stress test data creates a personalized exercise prescription.
Fax: 734-998-7456
Email: [email protected]
Clinic Location:
Cardiovascular Medicine at Domino's Farms
Lobby A, Suite 1300
4029 Ave Maria Drive (for GPS and map programs)
Ann Arbor, MI 48106