The U-M Department of Dermatology Patch Testing Clinic at Domino's Farms provides care to patients with suspected contact dermatitis — a red, itchy rash that occurs when the skin comes into contact with a substance that causes the immune system to mistakenly think the skin is under attack. Because treatment of contact dermatitis includes avoiding contact with the substance(s) that trigger the reaction, identifying the cause is key.
Patch testing is a method used to detect contact allergies to specific substances that come in contact with the skin. These substances (or allergens) may be found in personal care products (lotions, soaps, hair dyes, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.), topical medications, shoes, clothing, jewelry and many other sources.
We currently patch test patients to a standard series of 80 allergens called the American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS) Core Allergen Series. We frequently test patients to their personal care products, as well.
Make an Appointment
To make an appointment for contact dermatitis or patch testing, call 734-936-4054. Visit our Make a Dermatology Appointment page for phone numbers for other dermatology clinics, as well as information about Dermatology Virtual Care and scheduling appointments online through the MyUofMHealth patient portal.