Medical Services related to Rajen Mody MBBS

Brain Tumors (Pediatric)

Brain tumors are the most common form of solid tumors among children under the age of 15. Although brain tumors are still rare among the general pediatric population, about 20% of all childhood cancers are brain tumors...

Cancer Care (Pediatric)

The Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Michigan has the largest pediatric oncology research effort in Michigan, providing comprehensive care for children with cancer, including leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, neuroblastoma and Wilm's tumor.

Eye Cancer (Retinoblastoma)

Retinoblastoma is a malignant tumor in the retina of a child’s eye. Although retinoblastoma may occur at any age, it most often occurs in younger children before the age of five years. The tumor may be in one eye only or in both eyes. Retinoblastoma can occur randomly or it can be hereditary.

Lymphoproliferative Diseases

One type of white blood cell in the body is known as a lymphocyte. There are many different types of lymphocytes, which like other white blood cells, play a role in fighting infections. When faced with an infection, the number of lymphocytes will multiply in order to have a greater number of cells to combat the invading organism.

Solid Tumor Oncology Program

The Solid Tumor Oncology Program at University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital is one of the nation’s largest multidisciplinary programs caring for children with solid tumors. Our team of pediatric specialists treats so many children with complex solid tumors, we are particularly well versed in the treatment of these conditions and have special expertise in even the most rare tumors.