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Health Topics

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  1. Head Injuries in Children: Problems to Watch For
  2. Head Injury, Age 3 and Younger
  3. Head Injury, Age 4 and Older
  4. Head Lice
  5. Headache Clinics
  6. Headache Diary
  7. Headache Prevention: Posture and Body Mechanics
  8. Headaches
  9. Headaches
  10. Headaches in Children
  11. Headaches: Finding and Avoiding Triggers
  12. Headaches: Managing a Headache
  13. Headaches: Should I Have Imaging Tests to Find Out What's Causing My Headaches?
  14. Headaches: Should I Take Medicine to Prevent Migraines?
  15. Headaches: Should I Take Prescription Medicine for Tension Headaches?
  16. Healing Through Humor
  17. Healing Touch
  18. Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years
  19. Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years
  20. Health Claims on Food Labels
  21. Health Problems Associated With Adult Obesity
  22. Health Risks
  23. Health Risks Related to Smokeless Tobacco
  24. Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early
  25. Health Screenings: Should I Buy Commercial Tests?
  26. Health Tracking Forms and Checklists
  27. Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia (Nosocomial Pneumonia)
  28. Healthwise Self-Care Checklist
  29. Healthy Aging
  30. Healthy Aging: Is It Time to Stop Driving?
  31. Healthy Attitudes Toward Food and Exercise
  32. Healthy Eating
  33. Healthy Eating
  34. Healthy Eating and Older Adults
  35. Healthy Eating for Children
  36. Healthy Eating in Children: Problems Caused by Poor Nutrition
  37. Healthy Eating in Children: Things That Influence Food Choices
  38. Healthy Eating to Decrease Stress
  39. Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits
  40. Healthy Eating: Cutting Unhealthy Fats From Your Diet
  41. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods
  42. Healthy Eating: Eating Less Sodium
  43. Healthy Eating: Getting Support When Changing Your Eating Habits
  44. Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits
  45. Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Eat Out
  46. Healthy Eating: Making Healthy Choices When You Shop
  47. Healthy Eating: Overcoming Barriers to Change
  48. Healthy Eating: Recognizing Your Hunger Signals
  49. Healthy Eating: Starting a Plan for Change
  50. Healthy Eating: Staying With Your Plan
  51. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D
  52. Healthy Habits for Kids
  53. Healthy Habits to Prevent or Reduce Problems From Osteoporosis
  54. Healthy Muscles
  55. Healthy Weight: Thought-Tracking Journal
  56. Hearing Aids
  57. Hearing Loss
  58. Hearing Loss in Babies, Ages 4 to 6 Months
  59. Hearing Loss in Babies, Ages 7 Months to 1 Year
  60. Hearing Loss in Babies, Newborn to Age 3 Months
  61. Hearing Loss in Children, Age 4 Years and Older
  62. Hearing Loss in Children, Ages 1 to 2 Years
  63. Hearing Loss in Children, Ages 2 to 4 Years
  64. Hearing Loss: Should I Get Hearing Aids?
  65. Hearing Protectors
  66. Heart and Circulation
  67. Heart Arrhythmias and Exercise
  68. Heart Attack and Stroke in Women: Reducing Your Risk
  69. Heart Attack and Stroke Risk Screening
  70. Heart Attack and Unstable Angina
  71. Heart Attack: How to Prevent Another One
  72. Heart Block
  73. Heart Failure
  74. Heart Failure and Sexual Activity
  75. Heart Failure Complications
  76. Heart Failure Daily Action Plan
  77. Heart Failure Stages
  78. Heart Failure Symptoms
  79. Heart Failure Types
  80. Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (Diastolic Heart Failure)
  81. Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction (Systolic Heart Failure)
  82. Heart Failure: Activity and Exercise
  83. Heart Failure: Avoiding Colds and Flu
  84. Heart Failure: Avoiding Medicines That Make Symptoms Worse
  85. Heart Failure: Avoiding Triggers for Sudden Heart Failure
  86. Heart Failure: Checking Your Weight
  87. Heart Failure: Compensation by the Heart and Body
  88. Heart Failure: Disease Management Programs
  89. Heart Failure: Eating a Healthy Diet
  90. Heart Failure: Less Common Symptoms
  91. Heart Failure: Should I Get a Pacemaker (Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy)?
  92. Heart Failure: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)?
  93. Heart Failure: Symptom Record
  94. Heart Failure: Taking Medicines Properly
  95. Heart Failure: Tips for Caregivers
  96. Heart Failure: Tips for Easier Breathing
  97. Heart Failure: Track Your Weight, Food, and Sodium
  98. Heart Failure: Watching Your Fluids
  99. Heart Health: Walking for a Healthy Heart
  100. Heart Murmur
  101. Heart Rate Problems: Should I Get a Pacemaker?
  102. Heart Rhythm Problems and Driving
  103. Heart Rhythm Problems: Diary of Symptoms
  104. Heart Rhythm Problems: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)?
  105. Heart Rhythm Problems: Symptoms
  106. Heart Tests: When Do You Need Them?
  107. Heart Transplant
  108. Heart Valve Disease
  109. Heart Valve Problems: Should I Choose a Mechanical Valve or Tissue Valve to Replace My Heart Valve?
  110. Heart-Healthy Eating
  111. Heart-Healthy Eating: Fish
  112. Heart-Healthy Lifestyle
  113. Heartburn
  114. Heartburn Symptom Record
  115. Heartburn: Changing Your Eating Habits
  116. Heat After an Injury
  117. Heat and Cold Treatment for Cancer Pain
  118. Heat Rash
  119. Heat Waves
  120. Heat-Related Illnesses
  121. Heatstroke Prevention: Acclimating to the Heat
  122. Heatstroke Prevention: What to Wear
  123. Heatstroke: Emergency Symptoms
  124. Heavy Menstrual Periods
  125. Heavy Sweating
  126. Heel Bursitis or Tendon Injury: Preventing Pain
  127. Heimlich Maneuver for Adults and Children Older Than 1 Year
  128. Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria
  129. HELLP Syndrome and Preeclampsia
  130. Help for Anger Problems
  131. Help Your School-Age Child Develop Social Skills
  132. Help Your Working Teen Balance Responsibilities and Set Priorities
  133. Helping a Family Member Who Has PTSD
  134. Helping a Loved One After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
  135. Helping a Person During a Seizure
  136. Helping Adolescents Develop More Mature Ways of Thinking
  137. Helping Children During Immunizations
  138. Helping Children With Disabilities Stay Active
  139. Helping Kids Handle Peer Pressure
  140. Helping Someone During a Panic Attack
  141. Helping Your Child Avoid Tobacco, Drugs, and Alcohol
  142. Helping Your Child Build a Healthy Body Image
  143. Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength
  144. Helping Your Child Transition Into Middle School or Junior High
  145. Helping Your Child Who Is Overweight
  146. Helping Your Newborn Learn
  147. Helping Your School-Age Child Learn About the Body
  148. Helping Your Teen Become a Safe Driver
  149. Hemochromatosis
  150. Hemochromatosis Genetic Screening
  151. Hemodialysis
  152. Hemophilia
  153. Hemophilia: Preventing Bleeding Episodes
  154. Hemorrhagic Stroke
  155. Hemorrhoidectomy for Hemorrhoids
  156. Hemorrhoids
  157. Hemorrhoids: Which Treatment Should I Use?
  158. Henna Tattoos (Mehndi)
  159. Hepatitis A
  160. Hepatitis A Vaccine: What You Need to Know
  161. Hepatitis B
  162. Hepatitis B and C: Risk of Liver Cancer
  163. Hepatitis B Treatment Recommendations
  164. Hepatitis B Vaccine: What You Need to Know
  165. Hepatitis B: How to Avoid Spreading the Virus
  166. Hepatitis B: Postvaccination Test for Immunity
  167. Hepatitis B: Should I Be Tested?
  168. Hepatitis B: Should I Take Antiviral Medicine for Chronic Hepatitis B?
  169. Hepatitis C
  170. Hepatitis C: Your Risk for Cirrhosis
  171. Hepatitis D
  172. Hepatitis E
  173. Hepatitis Panel
  174. Hereditary Syndromes Associated With Kidney Cancer (Renal Cell Cancer) (PDQ®): Genetics - Patient Information [NCI]
  175. Heroin


Top of the page
  1. Hiatal Hernia
  2. Hiccups
  3. Hidden Gluten
  4. Hidradenitis Suppurativa
  5. High and Low Blood Sugar Level Record for a Child
  6. High Blood Pressure
  7. High Blood Pressure
  8. High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
  9. High Blood Pressure in Children
  10. High Blood Pressure: Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home
  11. High Blood Pressure: Nutrition Tips
  12. High Blood Pressure: Over-the-Counter Medicines to Avoid
  13. High Blood Pressure: Should I Take Medicine?
  14. High Blood Pressure: Taking Medicines Properly
  15. High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet
  16. High Blood Sugar Level Record
  17. High Cholesterol
  18. High Cholesterol: How a Dietitian Can Help
  19. High Cholesterol: Making Lifestyle Changes
  20. High Triglycerides
  21. High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®): Integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  22. High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®): Integrative, alternative, and complementary therapies - Patient Information [NCI]
  23. High-Output Heart Failure
  24. High-Potassium Foods
  25. High-Pressure Injection Wounds
  26. High-Protein Foods for Wound Healing
  27. High-Risk Pregnancy
  28. High-Risk Sexual Behavior
  29. Hip Bursitis or Tendon Injury: Preventing Pain
  30. Hip Fracture
  31. Hip Fracture Repair (Hip Pinning)
  32. Hip Fractures: What Increases Your Risk
  33. Hip Injuries, Age 11 and Younger
  34. Hip Injuries, Age 12 and Older
  35. Hip Problems, Age 11 and Younger
  36. Hip Problems, Age 12 and Older
  37. Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty
  38. Hirschsprung's Disease
  39. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Infection
  40. HIV and Exercise
  41. HIV and Fatigue
  42. HIV and Pregnancy
  43. HIV and Weight Loss
  44. HIV Home Care
  45. HIV Infection in Health Professionals
  46. HIV Screening
  47. HIV Testing: Should I Get Tested for Human Immunodeficiency Virus?
  48. HIV Treatment in Children
  49. HIV Viral Load
  50. HIV: Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
  51. HIV: Giving Support
  52. HIV: Nonprogressors and HIV-Resistant People
  53. HIV: Preventing Infections
  54. HIV: Preventing Other Infections When You Have HIV
  55. HIV: Stages of Infection
  56. HIV: Taking Antiretroviral Drugs
  57. HIV: Tips for Caregivers to Avoid Infection
  58. HIV: Why Healthy Eating Matters


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  1. Hoarding Disorder
  2. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
  3. Home Blood Pressure Log
  4. Home Blood Sugar Diary
  5. Home Remedies for Bites and Stings
  6. Home Test for Protein in Urine
  7. Home Treatment First Aid for Cold Exposure
  8. Home Treatment for Second-Degree Burns
  9. Homeopathy
  10. Homocystinuria
  11. Hormonal Birth Control: Risk of Blood Clots
  12. Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer (Androgen Deprivation Therapy, or ADT)
  13. Hormone Treatment for Breast Cancer
  14. Hormones
  15. Hospice Care
  16. Hospital Discharge Planning
  17. Hospital Isolation Rooms
  18. Hospital Patient Advocates
  19. Hospital Policies and Breastfeeding
  20. Hot Flashes and Menopause
  21. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (PDQ®): Supportive care - Health Professional Information [NCI]
  22. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats (PDQ®): Supportive care - Patient Information [NCI]
  23. How a Scrape Heals
  24. How ADHD Affects Your Child
  25. How Adolescent Thinking Develops
  26. How Asthma Develops in Children
  27. How Birth Control Methods Prevent Pregnancy
  28. How Diabetes Causes Blindness
  29. How Diabetes Causes Foot Problems
  30. How Do You Cope With Stress?
  31. How Hospitals and Clinics Keep You Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  32. How Palliative Care Can Help With Goals and Dreams
  33. How Palliative Care Can Help With Pain and Treatment Side Effects
  34. How Palliative Care Can Help With Spiritual Concerns
  35. How Pregnancy (Conception) Occurs
  36. How Reading Helps Language Development
  37. How the Heart Works
  38. How to Eat Healthy When You're Home All The Time
  39. How to Find Sodium
  40. How to Get Rid of Medicines
  41. How to Get Up Safely After a Fall
  42. How to Stay Connected When You're Apart
  43. How to Stop Bleeding From a Head Wound
  44. How to Take Birth Control Pills
  45. How to Teach Your Child by Example
  46. How to Track Your Stress
  47. How to Transport a Piece of Tongue
  48. How You Can Help Older Adults Stay Connected
List - H (Health Topics)