
About Prostatitis

Prostatitis refers to an inflammatory or irritative condition of the pelvic floor in men. There are several types of prostatitis, which are categorized by the acuity or chronicity of symptoms, the presence or absence of white blood cells in the urine, and the presence or absence of positive urine cultures. Prostatitis can be classified as:

  • Acute bacterial prostatitis
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis 
  • Inflammatory chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain syndrome
  • Non inflammatory chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain syndrome 
  • Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis. 

Acute bacterial prostatitis is generally a straightforward diagnosis; however, the chronic prostatitis syndromes are more difficult to define.

Acute bacterial prostatitis often caused by the entrance of microorganisms from the urethra into the prostate.  Diagnosis is made by a physical examination and urine-culture results.

Prostatitis Symptoms and Treatment

Acute bacterial prostatitis symptoms include:

  • Spiking fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Burning sensation with urination
  • Pelvic or perineal pain
  • Cloudy urine

Patients with chronic prostatitis usually experience burning with urination and urinary frequency without the other signs/symptoms of acute prostatitis, as well as recurrent urinary tract infections with no history of catheterizing their bladders.

Treatment of acute prostatitis involves the use of antimicrobials to treat bacteria identified from a urine culture. Some patients with acute prostatitis require hospitalization for antibiotic therapy, particularly if they demonstrate signs of sepsis.

A prolonged course of antibiotics is usually recommended for treatment of bacterial prostatitis.

Make an Appointment

If you are a patient looking to receive kind and compassionate care at the leading urologic practice in Michigan, call 734–936–7030 to make an appointment. If you are a Health Provider looking to refer a patient, please visit the Health Provider informational site.